Oh my Health

Oshun Health Liposomal B-Complex 500ml

Oshun HealthLiposomal B-Complex 500ml

Whole food, vegan friendly B-Complex

  • Liposomal Absorption
  • B-vitamins in their biologically active /methylated forms
  • Made from the metabolites of vitamin‐producing microorganisms (probiotics)
  • Contains 8 essential amino acids as well as vitamin K and other nutrients as further byproducts of microbial activity
  • Safe for children and babies from the age of 8 months
  • Provides a natural alternative to chemically synthesised vitamin B supplements
  • It has a pleasant taste due to its organic pomegranate juice base
  • May be added to cool beverages like juices and smoothies


6 in stock (can be backordered)


Oshun Health Liposomal B-Complex 

Liposomal B-Complex is made of the metabolites of vitamin‐producing microorganisms (probiotics).  It, therefore, provides a natural alternative to chemically synthesised vitamin B supplements while not containing any animal products.

All the B-vitamins in the Liposomal B-Complex are in metabolically active/methylated form. The product also, naturally, contains 8 essential amino acids as well as vitamin K and other nutrients as further byproducts of microbial activity.  These elements work together synergistically to provide a more comprehensive nutritional benefit.

Liposomal B-Complex is encapsulated in Fulvic Acid Liposomes (fulvisomes), our trademarked absorption technology.  This means that it’s absorbed straight into the cells of the body. The product has a pleasant taste because it has organic pomegranate juice as a base.

Note: Although Liposomal B-Complex uses microorganisms (probiotics) to produce Vitamin B’s it is not a probiotic but a dietary source of Vitamin B. The importance of this fact will become apparent in the description below.

In humans, members of the gut microbiota can synthesize vitamin K, as well as most of the water‐soluble B vitamins, such as cobalamin, folate, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine. This begs the question:

Why is Vitamin B deficiency such a problem for many people, especially for vegans?

Either the microbes that synthesize B Vitamins can be absent from the person’s gut or that their gut is unhealthy. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), deserves a special mention in this regard, however, as it is the B vitamin that vegans and vegetarians struggle with most. Vitamin B12 is the biggest and most intricate vitamin because it has the most complex structure out of all vitamins synthesized by gut bacteria. Vitamin B12 synthesis requires 30 different genes, in an intricate order in a bacterial genome, to be activated. There are several gut bacteria up to this task but they all reside in the large intestine or the colon, whereas the receptors that uptake vitamin B12 are only present in the small intestine. The gut microbial B12 is, therefore, not bioavailable to the host.

Another prime reason why Vitamin B12 remains largely unavailable to the host is that the microbes that synthesize it do so mainly to support the growth of other microbes, serving their roles as members of the microbial ecosystem. Therefore, although Vitamin B12 is synthesized by some human gut microbes, it is a precious resource in the gut and is likely not provisioned to the host in significant quantities. Put simply, gut bacteria can produce vitamin B12, but we shouldn’t rely on them to provide our daily requirement of B12 because, most of the time, they make B12 for their own needs. We need to get our B Vitamins from dietary sources.

Why take whole-food vitamins?

Vitamins don’t work optimally when taken in isolation because they don’t function in isolation as individual bio-molecular compounds. Rather, they are biological complexes taking part in multi-step biochemical interactions. Their activity is dependent on several variables within the biological terrain and only takes place when all those variables are present and working together. Vitamins cannot be isolated from their complexes and still perform their specific life functions within the cell. Therefore, it makes sense to take them, as they occur in nature/food – with their nutritional cofactors.

Why is vitamin B important?

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) helps the body’s cells change carbohydrates into energy. It also plays a role in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve signals.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) works with the other B Vitamins. It is important for body growth. It helps with red blood cell production. It also aids in the release of energy from proteins.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) helps the body convert food into glucose, used to produce energy Niacin contributes to the normal function of the nervous system and and normal psychological function. It also contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in producing the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. It also plays a role in the manufacture of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a component of red blood cells and carries oxygen. Vitamin B6 is also involved in keeping the lymph nodes, thymus and spleen healthy.
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate): The body needs folate to make DNA and other genetic material. Also for cells to divide. People with low levels of folate might be more likely to have depression and might not respond well to antidepressants.
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) is crucial for the normal function of the brain and nervous system. It is also involved in the formation of red blood cells and helps to create and regulate DNA. The metabolism of every cell in the body depends on vitamin B12, as it plays a part in the synthesis of fatty acids and energy production. Cobalamin deficiency can lead to neurological difficulties and anaemia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Liposomal B-Complex not come in a tablet?

As Pharmaceutical Sciences professors Vladimir P. Torchillin, Ph.D, and Volkmar Weissig, Ph.D., write in their definitive text: Liposomes: A Practical Approach: “To produce liposomes (of whatever kind), lipid molecules must be introduced into an aqueous environment. “Water is the most common aqueous material in liposomal supplements.” Therefore, a liposomal product will always be in a liquid.

Can I blend my Liposomal B-Complex into a smoothie?

You can add Fulvic B-Complex to a juice or a smoothie but we do not recommend blending it. Liposomes are quite delicate and blending (or vigorous shaking) or adding it to hot drinks can damage the liposomes. Rather stir it into the smoothie.


Calories:                       20

Total Fat:                        0g

Sodium:                          0mg

Dietary Fibre:                  1g

Protein:                           3g

Iron:                                 2% NRV

Thiamine (Vit B1):         180% NRV

Riboflavin (Vit B2):        140% NRV

Niacine (Vit B3):            125% NRV

Pyridoxine (Vit B6):        140% NRV

Folate (Vit B9):                 56%  NRV

Cobalamin (Vit B12):      100% NRV

Selenium:                         10% NRV

Vitamin C:                         30% NRV

Vitamin K:                          36% NRV

Potassium:                        12% NRV

Piperine:                            10mg

Pomegranate Extract:        10%

Fulvic Acid:                       100% NRV

MCT:                                   10 v/v

Essential Amino Acids: mg/g

Threonine:          46

Valine:                49

Isoleucine:          37

Leucine:              64

Phenylalanine:    33

Lysine:                 65

Methionine:          14

Tryptophan:          10